Yogic Wellness Retreat
Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Certification
This course is a practice based Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in which all are welcome, in which the participant receives a 300 AYTT Certification. The Curriculum is comes from Tyagaraja’s Yogic Living Series Advance Course based in the Sanskrit Traditions of Patanjali Yoga Sutra, and Kriya Yoga. The purpose of the retreat is to cultivate a complete and holistic daily “saadhana,” or daily practice that can be something that sticks for a lifetime of benefit. The course gives an depth saadhana of Yoga Vinyasa, Pranayama, Meditation, introductions to Ayurvedic Cooking and herbs, and practice and discourse on what is Surya Vandanam, (harnessing the Solar energy of sunrise and sunset through water and mantra). Also and not limited to, discourses on Patanjali Yoga Sutra, specific to chanting Om and the Yogic Mysteries of Life.
Vacation with Meaning is a vacation of a Lifetime
The house location of the retreat is walking distance from the Ocean Cliffs and Beaches, Mendocino Village (a darling coastal town with much to see and do.), and is a perfect summer vacation get away with temperatures of 73 daily high and 53 daily low. The Mendocino headlands is an untouched state reserve. Tyaga of SHE will be taking time to guide hikes into the cliff ocean coast in which is home to protected species of sea creatures in tide pools. The Headlands are known for the Ocean fog covering the sea. Soma Tattwa or “negative ions,” are more abundant on the coast and just breathing the air alone is a healing experience. Furthermore creating a vacation with mindful meditative intention is to have an experience that lives with you the rest of your life!
Permaculture Design and Yogic Wisdom
During the middle of the retreat, Tyaga leads a tour of Mendocino Ecological Learning Center or MELC, an “off-grid” Permaculture Research Institute created by Permaculture Legend, Max Meyers. Max has educated over 300,000 Permaculture Graduates and has lived off-grid in an Enchanted Mountain town called Willits for 30+ years. On site is an Aquaponics Greenhouse attached to his house, Solar Array, Well Water, Raincatchment ponds, Food Forests and more. Touring an established Permaculture site is the best way to immerse in and be inspired by Permaculture Design. The Holistic Mindfulness cultivated through Permaculture Design is in tandem with Yogic Wisdom. On the way to MELC we drive through a Coastal Redwood Forest Preserve!
This is a short video made by Tyagaraja of Sustainable Humane Earth to showcase what it is like performing daily Saadhana in Ocean Cliffs of Mendocino.
What is a Sustainable Humane Earth Yogic Wellness Retreat in the Mendocino Headlands Like?
Yoga Vinyasa Krama
Talasana Yoga Vinyasa by Tyagaraja of SHE, video created at the Arch of the Mendocino Headlands.
This video is created by Tyagaraja Welch of SHE. Filmed at the famous Arch at the Mendocino Headlands. The other participant is Eric Barnes, Tyaga’s dear friend. This is a shortened vinyasa, the entire sequence will be given during the retreat.
“off-Grid” Permaculture Tour Mendocino Ecological Learning Center
Max Meyers is the the Creator of Mendocino Ecological Learning Center (MELC) and NorCal Aquaponics. This Retreat Experience is truly unique in that we will take an extensive tour of Max’s Permaculture Property in Willits California, an enchanted mountain town. Along with the Permaculture Tour, participants drive through 45 mins of a preserved Coastal Redwood Forest, making this an experience of a lifetime.
Max Meyers of MELC and NorCal Aquaponics is a one in a Max-a-million legendary Permaculture Design/Educator based in Willits and Mendocino County. This video is a short description of his funny and amazingly inspiring life!
This video is part of a DocuSeries created by Tyagaraja Welch of SHE called, “Life on the Mountain.” This short video showcases some elements of Max’s amazing Permaculture Designs and inventions.
“The Mouth of our origin”
This video is an introduction to a Live Concert of “Nature Immersion Art,” filmed and created by Tyagaraja Welch at the Mendocino Headlands. This is the location of the Yogic Wellness Retreat. A LIVE presentation of this music will be done as a Closing Ceremony to the Retreat.